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USNS Maury (T-AGS 66) and British CTSFO team conduct joint force protection exercise

CTSFO members cross the gangway during a boarding exercise. Photo: Second Mate Nicholas Harvey
A CTSFO team clears a space onboard the USNS Maury. Photo: Special Agent Craig Shattuck

The USNS Maury recently conducted a joint force protection exercise with a local unit of the British Counter-Terrorism Special Firearms Officer (CTSFO) Force. The USNS Maury served as a boarding platform, giving the CTSFO valuable experience in counter-terrorism as it pertains to the maritime industry. The team practiced boarding the vessel, clearing spaces, searching for adversaries and effecting hostage rescue.

Radio Officer Steven Welcome acted as a "walking map" for the team, explaining how to read name plates and placards about the vessel in order to determine their location and direction of movement. Posing as adversaries, Chief Engineer Steve Chapates, Third Mate Jacob Fiksdal, Chief Cook Edward English and GVA Abdulfattah Kamhed brought a bit more challenge to the exercise with their intricate knowledge of the ship and its layout.

Special Agent Craig Shattuck, NCIS, serving as liaison between the British forces and the USNS Maury commented: "This was a great opportunity between our two nations to continue good relations with each other and work together in order to prepare to combat a threat aboard ship. Being able to observe the CTSFO's tactics, provide them input, and to have members of the ship's crew aid and teach them the complexity of moving around in tight, congested quarters aboard ship were beneficial to all those involved."

"I'd like to thank Special Agent Craig Shattuck, NCIS, for setting up this exercise, the CTSFO Team and the crew members of the USNS Maury for making it a success. The CTSFO Team got to take away some realistic maritime threat training while providing tactics demonstration to aid the ship's own reaction force team. We look forward to working with them in the future," said Captain Scott Spears, master on the USNS Maury.

USNS Maury crew members and CTSFO team members gather for a photo. Photo: Second Mate Nicholas Harvey

Radio Officer Steven Welcome explains details of the ship to a CTSFO member. Photo: Second Mate Nicholas Harvey

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