Print  |  Close Window   AMO Currents  -  Posted: April 5, 2012

Photography contest seeks mariner submissions for 'art in everyday life'

The Seamen's Church Institute - a nonprofit organization serving mariners around the world - has announced a maritime photography contest seeking submissions from maritime industry employees. The theme of the contest, which is open until May 15, is "art in everyday life" and the grand prize winner will receive an iPad.

From the Seamen's Church Institute:

"The maritime workplace contains beauty few ever see - huge, powerful vessels transiting vast waterways and oceans transporting unimaginable amounts of goods. The objects used and seen every day by working mariners would astound most people in the outside world. What a mariner sees may not make the front page of the newspaper, but his or her perspective offers a view of splendor hidden in plain sight.

"Using angles, light, perspective and composition, SCI invites maritime industry employees to snap photos that depict a normal object - like a propeller, railing or wrench-in a unique and unusual way. SCI seeks photos that superbly capture the 'extraordinary' in maritime workplace environments."

Winning entries will be featured on the SCI website and a grand prize winner will receive an iPad. Submission requirements and more information are available online.
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