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MERPAC re-established

The secretary of Homeland Security has re-established the Merchant Marine Personnel Advisory Committee (MERPAC), determining it is necessary and in the public interest. The Federal Register posting by the Department of Homeland Security was made almost exactly one year after the MERPAC's charter was allowed to lapse.

Established in 1992 at the request of the commandant of the U.S. Coast Guard, MERPAC's purpose is to advise the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) on matters relating to the training, qualification, licensing, certification and fitness of mariners in the merchant marine.

The committee membership is designed to represent a broad spectrum of maritime interests. Membership parameters are mandated by MERPAC's charter and include licensed merchant marine officers, unlicensed mariners, pilots and representatives of maritime training institutions and ship operating companies.

"The committee's unique industry perspective will provide critical support to the Coast Guard's efforts to ensure the safety of the U.S. merchant marine," the DHS notice states. "There is no other current entity which can provide the level of technical expertise and experience that is afforded by this advisory committee."

AMO National Vice President for Government Relations Michael Murphy said the re-establishment of MERPAC is a positive development for the U.S. maritime industry. "It represents one of the few avenues where industry can have a direct input to the U.S. Coast Guard when they consider changes to rules and regulations."
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